Source Code

Body Pillow

A very effective unitentional birth contol pillow for weebs.

Person A:Bruh, is that your body pillow?
Person B: She's not just a pillow she's my wife, Rias.

by TheAnonymousWeeb September 23, 2021

7πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Body positive

Body Positive! Eating whatever you want! And then crying about it after :( But posting on instagram that you’re sexy, even though you truely don’t believe it

Interviewer - β€œWhat does body positive mean too you?”

Confident person β€œ Body Positive! Eating whatever you want! And then crying about it after :( But posting on instagram that you’re sexy, even though you truely don’t believe it”

by MsGirl May 22, 2021

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

body art

the method of making tattoos; tattoo.

Angie is fond of body art. She has various figures tattooed on her body.

by uttam maharjan September 15, 2010

10πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Dead Body

A game where you randomly say 'Dead Body' and fall over. The person you fall on has to catch you. If they let you fall you are allowed one punch. More than one dead body may be called 'Dominoes'. To take the game further: after you have fallen on the person, quickly yell 'Limp Body!' and go completely limp and the other person has to hold you up.

DEAD BODY!!!' 'wtf are you doing?

by Creaver April 1, 2011

11πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Someone who's constantly doing shit and seems to never sleep

"My mom is such a busy-body. She raises 3 kids, goes to PTA meetings, cooks, cleans, and helps with homework all on her own."

by Dallas Helton July 15, 2006

143πŸ‘ 247πŸ‘Ž

Body Positive

A way to be comfortable in your own damn skin and to love yourself/other people no matter what their appearance is.

"Did you see that Instagram pic Stacy posted"
"Yeah she is so body positive I love it!

by Zora123 February 6, 2017

33πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

governing body

The ruling class of the cult known as Jehovah's witnesses! Not required to follow the same rules as everyone else in the group! Before you study with these false prophets please please please do some extensive research into their beliefs!

Wait a minute how come your kid is going to law school and the Watchtower is PAYING for it?

Cause I'm on he governing body and I'm better than you!

Fuck you and your cult I'm out of here!

by mkr32208 May 18, 2006

15πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž