When you are so shook that it goes in the book. Like you are so shook that it goes on record (in the book).
*shocking event*
Hair that is parted and folds over like an open book.
Wow Drew has some interesting book hair
A book that some feel has content that is not for 17 and under, over sex and using profanities.
she lost her virginity at 10, oh my- what- A dirty book, it said she came.
Trucker slang for getting a load and hitting the road. Hook up your trailer and note in your log book that you're on the road.
Well Jimmy, they finally got the trailer released for travel. Time to hook and book!
The feeling you get when you finish a book but isn't mentally capable enough to start another
A:You should read this book, its really good
B:I can't, I have a book hangover right now
Looking through a book to find information
Willow was surfing the book to find the main characters.
A slang term meaning smart and deep.
Eddie Izzard is not only funny, he's book and bone baby!