Source Code


The action of unblocking someone and blocking them again on AIM in order to see if they're online. This is about the equivalent of knocking on someone's door to see if they're home, then your nerves collapse and you run the fuck away before they see you. Usually occurs after a terrible conversation, which ends up with one person blocking the other. Of course, this just makes the person they blocked attractive, so they make frequent spot checks to see if you're online.

paranoia bacon: i am so freaking awesome
rosesnguns17: what happened?
paranoia bacon: i just bitched out this hot-ass emo chick, and now she's block-checking me.
rosesnguns17: just make sure you videotape it :):):)

by ObeyZod September 16, 2005

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Nut Check

A Nut check is where you walk to someone and yell out "NUT CHECK" and punch their nuts and if they take it like a man, Their a true gamer

*Walks to a friend*
*punches his nuts*
Friend: *Beep* My Nuts!
You: your not nut vibin bro

by PhoenixRizer December 18, 2019

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check mid

A csgo term for checking a place between b plant site and CT spawn.

T: Check mid!
T: Ok, mid clear!

by Magic_Nigga November 23, 2016

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Code used by gangsters for checking to see if someone is fine and Dandy (hence the D).

This when done to normal citizens is to remind them that they are just mere normal citizens. However this can also be used from gangster to gangster, in this case it becomes a G-Check.

Gangsta 1: You good yeah?
Normal citizen: Yes I'm fine thanks (thinks phew that was just a d-check and not a mugging).


Gangsta 1: You good yeah?!

Gangsta 2: chssst (kisses teeth), what you mean. I'm gonna chef you up and then lick all your jewellery. How dare you d check me, I'm a real g famalam. What. What. What. What.

by hannanbread October 27, 2018

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Check-in Fatigue

It's the malady that sets in when the user realizes "services" like Foursquare are a complete and utter waste of time.

Hey, I just became Mayor of my workplace! When do I get my pay rise?

Heh - that's only because Mary stopped checking-in on Foursquare. She has total check-in fatigue.

by Doomnation September 1, 2010

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Ass Check

The act of an individual or group smelling someone else's butt at a party or public space after detecting the smell of feces within their general region.

Olivier: I smell shit around here what do you think Isabelle
Isabelle: I think we should do an Ass Check to see who is guilty
Oliver: Sniff, Sniff I think Aimee shit herself
Aimee: Sorry guys shit happens!

by hahasuka December 7, 2020

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death checked

To angrily smack a drink out of a non-bro's hand. Typically used by Lax-Bros.

Today me and my bros were shotguning some Nattis at a party and someone watching us came up and told me that shotgunning was stupid… needless to say i death checked the shit out of that brohaters drink

by officetech January 19, 2011

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