Source Code

Clam trap

a gross vagina, normally been around the block

dont go near her clam trap

by Clam hunter February 12, 2009

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crack the clam

To penetrate a vagina.

Trixie is recruited into the caper as bait, and who wouldn't want to crack the clam of that hot mama?

by The Amazing AO July 26, 2008

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Mud Clam

Start off having anal sex and before ejaculating pull out flip her over and continue pounding it!

mud taco Mud clam

by DavidJacobJoseph October 25, 2009

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Clam Chowdah

Slang for Charter Communications. The worst Internet Service Provider (ISP) encounterable. Chowdah Communications often sells broken parts and then charges more to fix them. Their internet bandwidth is really slow at .5mb/sec, even though the minimum speed possible is 4mb/sec. Their tech support is stationed in India, and they're probably all high off drinking too much Clam Chowdah, anyway.

Clam Charter has really awkward employees that drive orange Chowdah Rape Vanes that roam the streets.

Scoots: LoRes, do U R still = Clam Chowdah?

LoRes: YEEEHAWWW!!!111one!1 I was comblitching to them for an hour on the phone, and the Charter Bundle which controls internet, tv, phone, dropped my phonecall as they were pretending to fix my problem!

Scoots: FISK.dll!11! U R got PWN3d in 3D! Better call URU"R winmen N mak sure U R+"Re clear UR"RE knight!1!1 Chowdah will probably send an army of rape vans to U"RE HOUSE within teh_hour!1!

LoRes has logged off. Reason: Bad connection.

by LoRes March 1, 2008

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Clam Digger

An occupation: Any person from Massachusetts, typically, that harvests clams at low tide in the clam laden inlets.
An article of clothing: Pants that are worn by those digging clams. They are cut off 6 inches below the knee and resemble "High Waters" but have no apparent cuff or taper.

1: It's low tide, let's take a ride by the inlet and see if the Clam Diggers are out.
2: Dude, why the fuck are you wearing Clam Diggers? We're goin to pick up the ladies, not the beach.

by Todd Paquin March 1, 2008

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Clam Quack

A fanny fart

My birds cunt did a huge Clam Quack
when i was boning her.

by marc December 12, 2003

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cracking the clam

When a female squats, or awkwardly steps to peel the vagina lips apart for comfort. The manner in which a male does to adjust himself or get his ball sack unstuck from a thigh without using hands while in a public setting.

Q:"Did you see the way that girl squated mid sentence? Weird." A:"she must've been cracking the clam."

by sugabear March 12, 2015

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