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Daisies Den

Prison slang term for a gentleman’s posterior. His bum hole.

I’m targeting a job in Daisies Den

by Anon123456778 November 19, 2018

daisy's destruction

a normal video that a human named peter scully created the video

peter: wanna watch the new freaky video?
you: sure why no

daisy's destruction is a normal video

by yomama2024 June 20, 2024

3👍 45👎

Daisy the dog

Nice kind will eat socks also loves you very much. Also will defend you

Daisy the dog is the best

by Animal love 123 October 15, 2021

Daisy the dog

Daisy the dog is super dumb

She barks at nothing eats socks


Falls into the pool twice with out knowing how to swim
Sleeps on back

We give he weed treats to keep he calm/for real

When you take her on a walk she will only walk to the front gate

Friend< aww she’s so cute can she have babies with my dog
Me<no we fixed her so there wouldn’t be daisy the dog/s running around

by Crosonte October 18, 2018

Serial parallel daisy chain

When somebody knows individual words and puts them together to be seemed an expert on that field

K: I understand request is to use parallel connection but does it need to be connected daisy chained?

Gy: Daisy chain is a serial connection. Request was for parallel.
K: Ohh I see! So Serial parallel daisy chain then!

by Factory212 December 14, 2024


A polite way to call a woman a cunt

OMG, Miss Cat is being a cuntsy-daisy today...

by October 1, 2020


It's a classier way to telll a woman she is bein cuntt

I can't stand that gal she is a cuntsy-daisy!!

by October 1, 2020