Trinity is a thicc, fine, big booty, big boobs lookin girl. She pulls lots of men. She has blue eyes and light brown hair. She normally has short hair. She has lots of friends. She knows how to twerk and usually is very short. She is very athletic (softball, soccer). She is a great girlfriend who knows how to be good in bed.
Tim- wOw is that trinity
Leo- omg look at how fine she is
When a man introduces a two fingers to a woman during doggie style.
Bro I gave my girl that crazy “Trinity” trick you told me about and lemme tell you she came around to the idea ;)
A child of god is the funniest and meaniest person you will ever meet and will always have the snacks
Trinity is funny as hell
Trinity, a captivating and endearing young girl, possesses a naturally shy disposition that often conceals the vibrant and chatty personality that lies within. Once you take the time to truly know her, Trinity's bubbly nature shines through, and she becomes an enthusiastic chatterbox, always brimming with animated conversations and an infectious energy that draws people in. Though she may sometimes exhibit a slight attitude problem, she is ultimately a good-natured and caring friend, prioritizing the well-being and happiness of those around her. Trinity's petite stature exudes a gentle kindness, and her love for her friends and family is unparalleled. Additionally, she radiates beauty both inside and out, with a genuine inclination to consider the thoughts and feelings of others.
Trinity, the shy but lively girl, surprised everyone with her chatty personality once they got to know her.
Trinity is a perfect and beautiful girl who is smart and strong. She never backs down and she motivates everyone. Even if she is in a hard time, she won't show it. She will always be a good friend and there for you no matter what. Trinity will have a perfect body, smile, and attitude. She can get real mad in a blink, but its kinda hot. She is really attractive and funny. I could go on and on but i cant fit this perfect girl in a description.
She is a stunning girl who can be quiet but if you get the chance to actually get to know her you won't want to lose her. Trinity can be the CRAZIEST BITCH and probably one of the FUNNIEST to hang around with. She is definitely a one of a kind she gets checked out a lot and guys tend to talk to her. She can be thicc or skinny. Usually blonde or brunette. If you meet a Trinity DO NOT LOSE HER!
Tik Tok is her thing ALL THE WAY
A Trinity gets a lot of looks and is pretty hot ngl
Needs to Die and wont ever find a BF Wishes her and Deaglan worked out.
Trinity is dead and needs a Deaglan