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A very close female friend of a female. It is the female version of a bromance.

Sara: What are you doing this weekend?
Amanda: I am going out with my hetro-wife.

by hoisin sauce September 8, 2009

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She still misses you, but her aim is getting better

"My ex-wife still misses me, but her aim is getting better!"

by Grunkle Stan February 19, 2016

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a Wife who is one in name, but is not there in the physical. She wants the title but not the job.

Roger has a Quasi-Wife, Rachael wants the title but he is still married to Joan even though shes missing in action

by Destiny E August 19, 2007

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wife in law

a mistress, love slave, or concubine.

you see that bitch over there? yeah...that hott little piece of cunt is my wifey in law.

by instant_retard February 8, 2005

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Wife Expectancy

After a male has been diagnosed with a fiance, the period remaining to engage in guys' night activities before the wedding/shackle fitting ceremony.

Did you hear Brando's getting married this weekend?
Yeah dude, wife expectancy of like three days.
We're gonna need another keg.

by Spyrokeet October 5, 2007

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wife beater

1. A white tank top that fits snuggly. This term was started because many times if you watch the news you will see someone being arrested for domestic disturbance and they are wearing one of these shirts. They are most popular in the south.

2. A man that's single who masterbates frequently. Usually a loser type guy. This term was brought from the idea of the penis being your wife and beating it...well you get the picture. Another fun way of using this term is by saying "Im gonna go home and beat my wife!"

1. Dude you look hot in that wife beater.

2. Look at Carl, he's such a wife beater.

by dragonchick83 September 21, 2006

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A abusive husband/boyfriend/lover who enjoys to abusive his beatiful wife. Often beats her with pillows,stuffed animals,his fist,and the back of his hand.

Husband:DAmn woman give me my f*****g breakfast
Wife: It's on the table get it yourself u damn immmigrant, im feeding the baby, doing the laundry, washing your nasty socks, nd feedeing dat damn dog...SPRINKLES get ur ass over here nd eat your damn food!
Husband:WOman! dont make me go wife-beater on you!
Wife: I wish you would...see what would happen...i wonder who would make your breakfast then.

by samela March 29, 2008

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