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various meanings for the word "Joint" . depending on how its used .

it could be used in reference to a pill or narcotic . or a beautiful woman.

"I need some joints" . "Das a joint right there"

by Melvin Delaghetto December 13, 2021


a joint is a place or part of the body where 2 bones join together, usually so the bones to move

my wrist is a joint in my body

by nerd_freak15 March 26, 2015


In the p.a prison system its referring to a person of homosexual tendencies. Or full out gay.

Yo you hear mike and shawn got caught in their cell fucking last night?? I always knew they were joints!

by Moneygettinnigga October 12, 2019


Aside from a rolled up method of smoking weed, it's also a way to describe hair.

"oh mai gawd son, you really cut your joints off! i know you said you was gonna do it, but i really thought you was gaming..."

by heyitsfredxd March 9, 2022


Highly used to get high,used to enhance sexual drive,used at parties. Some countries is forbidden/illegal to take it

Yo nigga pass me the joint. Imma gonna fuck ur mom nw

by D26 June 13, 2018


Tiny active also known as baby3

Tiny active is a joint

by Tiny active June 25, 2023


A joint is a part in the skeleton that give you the ability to bend a part of your body. For example, your elbow and your knee.

To plié in ballet you need to use your joint to bend the knees.

by Blabla October 18, 2015