Source Code

video will play after advertisement

A fucking piece of shit 1 minute advertisement that you cannot skip and have to waste 1 minute of your life.

Person A watches YouTube.
*Click on video*
*le wild adv appears!*
Person A: I will just skip.
*Tries to skip but cannot.*

Original Skip Bar Reads: video will play after advertisement.

Person A looks at advertisement duration
1 min


by RightPurpose February 3, 2019

Five After Beer Thirty

When the time to get a beer, cigarette , or other drug has been much overdue.

Friend: Hey bro is it beer thirty?

Me: Shit, its five after beer thirty!

by Creems May 11, 2012

My After Sex Buddy

The world's first after sex doll.

A cuddly companion for women after sex.

You just finished a romp between the sheets. He's looking for the quickest way out of a post-sex cuddle session...
Thank Heaven's you have My After Sex Buddy.

by portable_guru January 14, 2011

10๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

After Diner Dip.

After Diner Dip: a moment in time where different "moments" come together, a coffee break, a nap, a hangover, a bad news message, a happy news message, an overload of information, a excpectation, a brief thought..thus these moments combined result in a dip, or an

"after diner dip."

After Diner Dips happen. They do.

"i have an "After Diner Dip." please wait and proceed bitching after coffee, thank you."

"something about things and peas, something about ..wait.. can't talk, damn it it's happening allready "After Diner Dip."

"i'm expecting a huge "After Diner Dip." so i won't be able to function accordingly."

by good attention September 3, 2013

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Happily Ever After

You wish!

The sad reality is, no one ever lives happily ever after as in the real world we all run into stressful situations in life and some which can stick to us for life, therefore no one can truly live "happily ever after". It only exists in fairytales, storybooks and Disney movies.

by Eddie the Head August 30, 2022

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After Sex Slave

The act in which you have sex than after your girlfriend proceeds to controll your every day life.

man 1.i have to go to the mall with my girlfriend today.
man 2. why?
man 1. we had sex last night.
man 2. lucky
man 1. not really she owns my soel now im her after sex slave

by jaoex1 October 17, 2011

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day after drinking

Abbreviated d.a.d. these shits are the worst. Simply a day after drinking shit.

Dude last night I drank so muck Miller and now I can feel a d.a.d. coming on. Fuck Day after drinking shits

by kidwhodrinks May 11, 2014

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