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camp 14

The most ruthless North Korean hard labor prison encampment in Pyongyang, that inprisons the guilty individual along with three generations of their family as well for life.

Craig: I'm not really into this. It kinda sucks here in Pyongyang, Camp 14. Its hot and feel like they're working us too hard. Even Grandma is complaining.
Johnnysan: Helllll ya! This place is fo SUCKAS!!!
Craig: but the dirt pudding here is way better than Camp 13.
Johnnysan: Damn right!
Craig: You already know.

by Juan Nutt August 26, 2015

(Object) Camp

A camp, also known as an object camp, is an activity for a member count greater than 4 to compete at a BFDI-like anthropomorphic show.
They can be hosted in Discord, YouTube, and miscellaneous programs/websites.

Some object camps are:

TPDC (The Poorly Drawn Camp)

CRAP (Cardboard’s Really Awesome Party)
BTBFC (Battle To Become Forklift Certified)

People mostly confuse the orthography in "Camp" due to the similarity of the words.

camp ¹ : A activity so that humans can join, roleplay and compete as anthropomorphic objects.

camp ² : A thing of being so bad, that’s it good, with a gay sidekick.
camp ³ : A place with temporary accommodation of huts, tents, or other structures, typically used by soldiers, refugees, or travelers.

Person A: Yo guys! Have you ever checked about this cool object camp?

Person B: Oh what is it?

Person A: Cardboard’s Really Awesome Party. I just got in it!
Person B: That’s really cool! What is an Object Camp even?
Person C: Oh, It’s probably a anthropomorphic show that real life people could compete in a BFDI-Like competition! You can call it (Object) Camp too.
Person A: Exactly that!

by fizsicalwhimsical May 9, 2023

jeremy camp

Too intelligent its scary. And too sexy for his own good. Can be slick and devious, making his way into the bed of any woman he desires. Perfect and appropiate for any and every situation whether it be taking him home to meet mom and dad or hitting the ghetto to score some drugs.

Jeremy Camp is the new Super Man.

Exceptional in every way possible. Men strive to one day get even close to the man Jeremy Camp is. None succeed.

"I really need an orgasm but I also need a pedicure"
"I know the perfect person! Jeremy Camp"

"Whatch out for Jeremy Camp.

He'll steal your panties and heart at the same time and youll get neither of them back, ever."

"Whose your favorite superhero?"
"Jeremy Camp"

by BuddyISlove March 1, 2020

Camp jewell

This camp has international kids that fly to boring Connecticut all the way from Spain and even some parts of Asia. Privlidged white kids from NYC, New Canaan, and Darien attend to get away from their annoying parents and just fool around to piss off their parents. Counselors are usually chill and there’s a rule about no relationships between the boys and girls. Thankfully, nobody actually cares about this rule and everyone’s constantly sneaking off to make out. The foods also very good and the activities are great.

Dude she went to camp jewell over summer, no wonder she’s so hot.

by fortnitesucksass January 21, 2019

camp bernadette

A sleepaway camp in New Hampshire which is the literal best place in the world where you make memories that you’ll treasure forever with the best people in the world who you never want to say goodbye to.

I spent a month at Camp Bernadette this summer and I love it so much, I made so many friends and I feel bad if you aren’t going there.

by gwenifer’s friend November 12, 2019

Camp Winaukee

a crazy group of Jewish kids who always love to fuck shit up. They are the same kids who go to Takajo and Cedar but are 1000 times crazier. The fields suck and the food is shit, but on the Island those boys fucking rave. Island Pride goes through your blood and carpe diem is in your soul. There is no other camp in the world that is as amazing as Winaukee. After spending a year at Takajo and Cedar, Winaukee was my true home and it will always be the craziest experience

"I don't wanna play at CAMP WINAUKEE because those kids are fucking nuts

by FSUMOTHERFUCKER March 12, 2017

camp chinqueka

The best girls camp in the world! I have been going to camp here for 5 years and they were honestly the best summers of my life. Every girl here will become your best friend, whether its the girls in your cabin, or the cute little 6 year olds in cabin 1. I would't trade my summers here for anything. Attending camp has made me into the person I am today. Without Chinqueka, I wouldn't have the confidence I have now and I owe it all to the amazing staff, campers, and activities. Each summer is better than the previous one. There are three tribes: the Arapahos (green), Senecas (purple), and Maricopas (yellow). Your first year of camp you are placed onto one of them and you are a part of it for life. The tribes are led by 2 super spirited senior campers who get cool headbands with their chieftain name that is decided for them by Amanda, the most amazing camp director you will ever meet.

person 1: So what are you doing this summer?
person 2: Nothing much, just going to the beach I guess.
person 3: Oh well I am going to camp Chinqueka.
person 1: Camp chin-a-what.
person 3: Camp Chinqueka, my summer home.

by avid procrastinator November 6, 2019