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Catching feelings

Catching feelings is when the person you like wants to trick you and then block your ass

He blocked me I can’t believe Tyler blocked me he said he was catching feelings.

by Ella’s Dictionary December 28, 2019

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Catch the Rainbow

to have sex, mainly in a loving way towards a soulmate and not in a lustful one night stand.

lets catch the rainbow tonight lover <3

by 66666666666 August 12, 2011

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Catch a skeg

Get a look, spot, see, glance.

"If you catch a skeg at the safe's combination, be sure to let me know."

by Zed Numar July 24, 2021

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catching blixs

Blixs can be what ever you want them to be, feelings, objects, dirty looks, thoughts or blixs can mean absolute nothing at all when you use it!

I been catching blixs!
She fly i gotta catch those blixs!
I was standing on corner minding my own and i stated catching blixs!
Did you see all those blixs ? Lets go catch um!

I haven't had blixs in a minute I need to catch me some of that!
nonsense slang Ronzell

by Runzell September 7, 2015

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Catch westbrook

When your bout to whoop the shit outta someone because they betrayed you

You switched sides on me now you bout to catch Westbrook

by Bigdaddyog April 16, 2017

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Gay Catch

Verb. To catch an object in an over dramatic way or catching the object and nearly dropping it.

β€˜Simon that was a really gay catch’

by curlysheep101 April 26, 2009

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When you can’t have sex because your partner is mad, but your partner is mad because you can’t have sex

Guy standing behind a podium: man I’m not prepared to back that ass up for my worms with polio charity speech

Yossarian: *whispers in his ear* B O N E R


Podium: *flips over violently and explodes sending wood fragments cascading throughout the auditorium*

Dunbar: my wife not sex with me

The end…?

Bugs bunny: ehh, SMARTPHOWNED.com

Asian street market vendor scratching her balls raising 2 kids on her own on account of 3rd world corruption wanting me to be her Dane cook: it was all a dream

Snow globe: farts

by Doomguy44 May 19, 2023

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