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dean chick

Dean chick is a man who love to suck connors giant cock and take niggas in his buttwhole he also bullies me since king after it’s been 9 years and he kicks me in the balls everday pls exepect this

Dean chick is a dick sucking nigga as taking little faggot

by Dean chick November 28, 2019

The Dean One 2

A man whose manhood needs no proving.

Similar to The Dean One only supersized, The Dean One 2. A mythical net man with the ability to talk many women into marriage, giving up everything and moving across the country just by talking to them on the phone.

by maxwhitingfield March 9, 2009

dean gray

The coolest man on the planet with a huge penis, friends often look up to him and are jelous of his skill of attracting women 20+years.

Wow I wish i was like dean gray

by Dgf221 March 2, 2020

Paula Dean Your Ass

Telling a black person they have insulted a white person

Nick Cannon, white people need to Paula Dean your ass regarding your white face character

by stone wall Jackson March 25, 2014

Russell Dean

A great guy who is extremely republican, a little bit communist, humorous, might seem a little racist, and has the biggest dick in the world.

Damn, Russell Dean always with them fucking republicans! Russell DigBick

by Dr. Jamie Jackson January 12, 2018


Dean-walling is the act of decorating your room or home in a manipulative attempt to make women who are interested in astrology, crystal healing, or fortune telling, more comfortable in your presence.

"Dude, please take down the statue of Athena, you're dean-walling to fuck these hippie girls; it's sad."

by papillonthegodfather June 27, 2022


Dean-walling is the act of decorating your room or home in a manipulative attempt to make women interested in astrology, crystal healing, or fortune telling , more comfortable in your presence.

"Dude, please take down the statue of Athena, you're dean-walling to fuck these hippie girls; it's sad.

by amuxd June 16, 2022