The safe way to greet or say goodbye to people when highly infectious diseases are spreading through your town, country, or planet.
Usually delivered by a gentle sideways bump.
“Bro, whassup?”
“Hey, no bro-hugs these days, dude- give me an Ebola elbow”
A technique supposedly called invented by Johnny smacks where you use your elbow as a deadly weapon
Johnny hit Noel with a roscrea elbow when he shouted at him to leave it off
rubbing your upward curved penis
dude are you seriously curving the elbow right now?!
1. To drink a lot of adult beverages
2. The repetitive motion of bending your elbow to bring a drink, adult beverages to your lips.
3. To get shitfaced.
1."How you feeling this morning?"
"Ya, an elbow bending party can really take a toll on you the next day."
2. It's Friday! You ready to do some elbow bending?
A punch directed at another's elbow. Several consecutive punches in the elbow could hurt for days.
When you are backwards pushed or are humiliated in any other way, the best way to get your attacker back is by Elbow Punching the salad out of them.
Contact the nerve in the elbow, or the "funny bone", and the person being elbow punched will immediately crap their pants from the pain.
"I got elbow punched yesterday."
"Was it bad?"
"I pooped dude... I pooped."
elbow grab dayyyy is a day where you can grab your friends weines haha
and then see how many wenises you can colect
grab the weenies boissss on elbow grab dayyyy
Elbow pain as a result of playing your favorite trading card games for 12 hours straight with your friends or at a local dungeon.
I didn't lose because my deck is bad. It's just variance and this damn TCG Elbow