People who pride themselves on standing out from the crowd and non-conformity, when in actuality they have become the crowd and the conformity. Also they are penismongers.
Emo: I'm emo.
Me: You're a penismonger.
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1. A term used to describe how musicians became particularly spontaneous and strongly emotional during live performances. Orig. mid-80's, early 90's
"Beefeater got totally emo during their encore last night! They have such great energy onstage."
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THE biggest discrace to humanity.
Emos are self pittying rejects that do not have anythning better to do with their time than blow it on crying in a darkened corner and cutting themselves with either razorblades or broken glass.
It is also an embarassment to the music empire.
Emo bands often create weak guitar rifts and sing of their "tortured souls" and "broken lives". They also have horrible stage presence and deserve to be whipped and have their bones broken one by one so that then they REALLY WILL have something to bitch and moan about.
Emos are also a waste of precious oxygen
Dude, the other day some kid made me listen to this awful emo band, my ears almost bled at the sound of their self pitty!
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dont were that much black
cut wrist becouse of pain
listen to punk music
not sad all the time
fun to be around
not gay
kida a prep
regular guy- why you emo?
emo guy-becouse i can
regular guy-emos are so gay
emo guy-you junge me becouse i cut my wrist and how i dress when you dont even know me.
regular guy- what ever
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1. (musical genre) emo music rose form the Washington DC punk scene in the mid 80s. bands were noted for being lighter. Notable to today's definition, bands sang instead of the more aggressive punk branch that would become hard core. Due to its vague definition and use as an insult, many bands that are not self proclaimed emo bands are branded with this title.
2. (lifestyle) This is the more commonly known definition. Emos are often self pitting, and have a negative outlook on life. many emos are compared to "goths". The term is usually used for people who's "depression" is fake and only for attention.
1-examples of early popular emo bands include Sunny Day Real Estate and The Promise Ring
2 "dude is dave depressed? he's been looking sad lately."
"naw dude dave's just being emo. hope he doesn't stay that way..."
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an emo is a worthless piece of shit
that needs to die
their daily life consists of stressing over what way their fringes look like and worrying about their weight
they are vain fucks
they look like shit anyway
in a typical emo cahtroom
< 3darkvampire: omg my bangs look awful today omg look at this pic i just uploaded
xmisery_demise_guyx : that pic is the sex! <3333333 u look great you could use more hairspray though
<3darkvampire: omg omg im going to cut myself its awful isnt it my fringe is way too short :'( this life ....i cant deal with the pain........i....i ........i cant live with myself anymore
xmisery_demise_guyx: i know i know im stressing out because my little sister's skinny jeans wont fit me anymore this life......never will the sorrow of my black abyss ever leave me
<3darkvampire: this pain from my takes away all pain
xmisery_demise_guyx: omg i hate it when people dont understand us , like i know it really does take all the pain away. i cant live with out cutting myself
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History: Emo originates from Punk bands in DC with an "emotional moment" and evovled into a full culture.
Emo Music
Old and Original: Dashboard Confessional, Embrace, Rites of Spring, Sunny Day Real-Estate
Emo fashion consists of tight jeans of blue and gray. Dyed black hair and sometimes with highlights of neon color. Beaten up converse shoes. Lip piercings. Eyeliner. Thick-rimmed glasses.
Truths and False
Myth: Emos are cutters
Truth: Seriously? Wow. Cutting has been around before emo existed. "Preppies" can cut, adults can cut. Cutting is a serious problem as bad as alcholism and drug abuse, but cutting is not emo, and not all emos cut. If you cut, go get help.
Myth: Emos are fags
Truth: Emos now a days are mostly teens, and apart of the teenage years, its a time of discovery, inluding sexuality discovery. But not all emos are bi-curious.
Myth: Emos are bitchy and emotional
Truth: It may be so sometimes, but emo people are usually more introspective and sensitive, some could be angsty and depressed all the time, but its never right to judge a group based on one person's personality.
Now a days, emo has been attacked several times. The truth is, many kids who are "emo" now a days are just looking for an excuse to be a bitch and asshole. Cutters are often labeled emos, and that is not what emo stands for.
A new breed called scene kids emerged. Emos and scene kids are very different. Emos are introspective, and sensitive, scene kids are myspace and mainstreamers with a lolita element.
Emo Terms and Interest
Converse shoes: Even if its mainstream, its so emo.
Poetry: Teenagers rejoice! Emos often express themselves through music and poetry.
Guitar: An emos best friend. jk
Emo is about being introspective and open to the world of teenage age. Its not about being sad or being a cutter.
An emo goes to a thrift store
A scene kid goes to hot topic
An emo has a bad day, and writes something
A scene kid bitches on myspace
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