A hazard of sleeping curled up with one's partner after a bile inducing meal, most often eaten at an establishment referred to by the same term.
Take some Immodium, babe, I'm not looking for a greasy spoon tonight.
The art of ejacualating on the tip of another man’s penis and proceding to consume said load like a half melted spoon of ice cream.
Johny sucked me off so good, but surprised me when I nutted on his dick tip and he asked me to eat his greasy spoon.
A Deepfake/Animated comedy skit show known most for it's multiple appearances on "Studio G with Garth Brooks"
Did you see what Greasy Pickle posted today?
a small greasy person who may live in there mothers basment for many years or apartment that is filthy goes to comic con dress up as someone smells of amy schumers crotch area or of sweaty ass when all of these conditions are met you get what is known as a gresy little goblin
greasy little goblin example a man who has lived in his mothers basment for many years
A boy who never showers, lazy, try's to wheel with his friend all the time, just says JK, is a tippy tow walking freak
me: so greasy grady wanted me to wheel with him
friend: ew he's disgusting
some girl who wears cow-print skrits and is nasty as hell
kim is a greasy cowgirl
A word used by a group to people to call the simp him self Glucose_legend
God that greasy kebab is a real simp