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Hella behind

Is commonly used in place of "really" or "very" when describing something that you're far behind in something that you were supposed to be doing.

I'm hella behind on this paperwork, I hope it's not important enough to get me fired.

by Crazymomma&daughter June 28, 2018

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Very cool, Awesome, Swell,Popular, Bombastic, It is the coolest thing a person has ever seen

The chick with the big breasts was hella-bomb

by George Lopez Monroe Senor Rodriguez Esquire De La Cruz V August 6, 2006

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Hella Gay

Slang term

Hella is most frequently used on the west coast of the United States.

Hella, essentially a combination of "hell of," is used most frequently as shorthand for "a large amount," or "to an extreme degree.

When combined with "gay," (naturally the american slang version of "gay") it is generally used to convey one of four meanings and is largely context dependent.

1: Express extreme displeasure. Usually in reference to a person, object, or event.

Upon performing poorly in a class: "My _____ professor is hella gay."

2: Convey the degree to which someone is homosexual

Upon hearing your professor remark about their homosexual relationship: "My _____ professor is hella gay."

3: Convey that something was very adorable, or sweet/thoughtful:

In reference to a small puppy, frolicking happily through a field of flowers: "Aww, that puppy is hella gay."

Upon reading a welcome love letter: "Oh my god (insert name) this letter is hella gay."

by Don't worry, my heads fkd too. April 18, 2020

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Hella "Cool"

Adjective; Synonymous with words like Nigga, Gangster, African American, and the like. Used in conversation primarily by white people who fear being shot for saying "nigga" in areas densely populated by black people. Originated in Northern California.

Hello my fellow white person, isn't that rapper 'Hella "Cool"'?

by Cyle June 24, 2006

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hella tight

An expression, often used by a linguistically inept or otherwise inadequate teenager, indicating

Dude, Justin Timberlake is hella tight.

by q September 24, 2003

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hella biscuits

Something you say when you're suprised or shocked.

Hella biscuits! I haven't seen you in forever, where did you pop up from!?

by Melanie M August 9, 2005

10๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

hella drove

hella: a lot. drove: feelin weird

hella drove: feelin very weird

1: whats up dude?
2:im feelin hella drove!

by guitarman960 January 22, 2010

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