A Black Mass, that follows other men and boys. Also offers to holds pockets continuously. Also its doing an IT course but doesn't know what CPU ITS lappys got.
Junior means That one NiggerFaggot/Sex Machine under your bed. Legend says that junior dominated the East coast with his 109inch cocket Launcher/Rifle.
He will find your pussy and you will scream "OHH YES PAPPI HARDER"
#junior #ass # cocket launcher/rofile #pussy
Junior means "The pussy dominator that hides under your bed and waits till you sleep and then strikes" Legend says "that junior dominated the East coast with his 19 inch penis"
the most handsome baddest man to ever exist
Roxy’s man Junior is soooo fineee, have you seen his abs their crazzy.
Junior is the type of person who'd leave quite a striking first impression on you. Once you have a Junior in your life, never ever let them from your grasp. You'd be lucky if you were ever picked by him. Athletic, smart, humorous, caring, and possibly every positive adjective that exists. He is the best so he most absolutely deserves the best. Treat him with tons of love and respect; cherish him with you heart and soul.
"Hey, don't you think that guy is amazing?"
"Of course, that's Junior after all."
the name junior is of a ancient king who fucked whoever he stumbles upon unless their guys he’s dangerous with women keep your women away or their gonna get a big sausage tonight
its used as a name junior stumbles uppon
Junior is a black nice male and he does a lot of stupid stuff and hes dumb but he has the smarts when it comes to school when he tries and if he ever didn't know sum he wouldn't be shy to ask friends for help and he has good grades even though he's dumb. Junior is a good influence if your the right person
random :How junior got betta grades then us
Junior : cus I'm 𝐡𝐢𝐦