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The Hungarian Kiss

When a guy cums in his girl friend's mouth and then she kisses him immediately afterwards.

When I walked into my room the other day, I saw McMahon about to get The Hungarian Kiss.

by TheLuckyPrince December 10, 2010

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Smoker's Kiss

Noun: When one person inhales smoke from a cigarette and subsequently kisses the partner while exhaling the smoke into his/her mouth.

Last night, I drunkenly gave my girlfriend a smoker's kiss; she ended up coughing in disgust.

by fuckheresanoriginalname January 19, 2012

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Cottonmouth Kisses

Cottonmouth Kisses is a book written by American author Clint Catalyst. It was released in the summer of 2000 through the San Francisco-based publisher Manic D Press. The book went into it's second printing in 2007.

Have you read Cottonmouth Kisses?
It's a really good book.

by Little Miss Scare-All August 27, 2008

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A Kiss Goodbye

The last time you kiss your steady, because him/her has to move out of town. And it will be the last time you see each other.

This is very emotional for both steadies.

Steady1: Baby? Can I have A Kiss Goodbye?
Steady2: Of course sweetheart, Goodbye Baby. I love you.

by Mr Psychotic May 7, 2010

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The Hershey Kiss

A sexual act where a woman that has anal prolapse (where the anus is partially on the exterior of the body due to excessive anal sex), does not wipe after defecating, and "kisses" her partner on the lips with her puckered anus.

My girlfriend told me to close my eyes because she wanted to give me "The Hershey Kiss" for Valentine's Day. I was grossly mistaken when I tasted shit instead of chocolate.

by Mattacious June 9, 2009

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black kiss

The act of kissing the sexual's parters anus.

Latin women love to get the black kiss.

by Roberto Lamas January 10, 2004

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Scissor Kiss

when two women open their legs like scissors, then kiss with their pussies.

In the puddle of wrestling mud, the two swamp things gave each other a scissor kiss of such extrordinary eroticism that they rubbed their lips raw.

by Kevin Jenson from salt lake city utah September 15, 2003

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