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Stationary Jet Lag

A relatively mild form of jet lag that doesn’t happen after traveling somewhere, but after either night of daylight savings time when you’re body is readjusting to the hour lost or gained overnight.

I get fired from my job every spring because stationary jet lag causes me to oversleep and show up late the day after spring forward.

by Father Abraham II March 15, 2022

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Jet Setter Lag

This is a cooler way to describe someone that leads a jet setter type lifestyle having a hangover without inferring they are a lush

Rich was having a rough day after coming down with "Jet Setter Lag"

by Richie L February 3, 2014

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Jet Lag Gemini

Jet Lag Gemini is a small rock/punk band from New Jersey.

The band consist of brothers, Matt (20) and Vlad (18) Gheorghiu who immigrated from Romania seven years ago. Misha Safonov (22) who moved to the US when he was eight years old. And finally, Dan Diliberto (18) who is the only American born member of the band.

Vocals: Misha Safonov
Lead Guitar: Vlad Gheorghiu
Bass: Matt Gheorghiu
Drums: Dan Diliberto

Kid 1: Have you heard of Jet Lag Gemini?
Kid 2: No. Who are they?
Kid 1: Only the best band ever. Stop being a loser and go check them out.

by lexi! February 16, 2008

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Great Lag Spike of Death

This death occurs exclusively in the world of online multiplayer computer games, namely Garrys Mod. This is experienced only on online servers with a lot of addons, players, and ping. This causes the entire server to freeze up, and time out many players, and crash the remaining. This is awfully similar with the recent DDoS strikes on other multiplayer games.

I tried to play Teh Build Box on Garrys Mod but we experienced The Great Lag Spike of Death.

by Teslarossa February 19, 2014

My brain just lagged

The word you say when you see or hear something so confusing that you spend a literal 10 seconds to process what just happened.

Friend: But why where we need this that or something fool consequences?
Me: Oh wow, my brain just lagged.

by The7Guy November 12, 2020

Sunday-Monday Jet Lag

When you stay up till 2 am and wake up at noon during the weekend and on sunday night you can't fall asleep till 2 because you're used to going to bed at 2 and then you wake up for school on monday with 6 hours of sleep and you're tired as shit.

Man: dude, I'm so effin' tired! I hate mondays!
Dude: Man, you got some Sunday-Monday Jet Lag

by Tiredmaninboringtown December 7, 2010


When someone's internet connection is so bad they appear to be teleporting. While at times being an accidental occurrence, it is often purposely done with the
intent of making the other player "ragequit". Generally followed up by hate mail and spam, Lag-O-Port is looked down upon, by everyone except scrubs.

Guy 1: Dude I was in a ranked match and this noob kept Lag-O-Porting everywhere!


by Taizuku February 23, 2011

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