Refers to any and all types of snakes
We better take the hoe in case we run into Mr. No Legs to chop his head off
There was a three foot long Mr. No Legs out in the street.
A way prepubescent 12 year olds like to represent the act of fapping by slapping their hands against their legs, making a sound similar to fapping.
Man, did you see those pics of the Kardashians? *Leg faps*
(Friend shakes head repeatedly, because he knows his friend didn't actually see any pics)
A derogatory insult referring to someone who is tall solely because they are tall.
Zach: Shut up Leg boy!
Jacob: What the fuck bro thats so mean!
A motorcycle rider who cannot perform a boxed double u-turn without touching their leg on the ground. These riders think their riding ability is better than it actually is, and typically want to buy bikes that are too big for them to handle at their skill level.
Rider 1: "Who let that kid get a motorcycle license? I heard he couldn't even complete the figure eight without putting his foot down."
Rider 2: "Yea, scoring high on the written test doesn't mean shit if you're a leg-toucher."
A buildup of body fat, particularly in the leg area, caused as a result of adhering to pandemic lockdown restrictions.
Steve: Hey Brad, seen Suzie since the restrictions started?
Brad: No, why?
Steve: Well try not to do a double take when you see her - serious case of lockdown legs.
Brad: I hear ya bro.
When used to describe someone, it would mean liar, wrong, or ignorant.
When used as an expression it means calling something BS.
The longer or bigger the lie or expression the longer the leg.
"That is some long legged bullshit ma'am."
Person: "You're cute."
Girl: "Leg."
Possessing adequate sized legs to motivate subordinates and drive success in the workplace.
We noticed at Friday’s standup meeting that Dylan did not have Legs of Leadership, and could never be a true leader of men.