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Made In China

See: Covid 19

Covid 19 was Made in China

by Eddie the Head January 8, 2025

Made in China!

First things first, you should know the Korean Idol Group Pentagon. If you dont know them, search them!

Made in China! Yanan, a cute Chinese, said it. Literally the cutest thing you will hear.

Made in China!

by Koreanboystrash March 18, 2018

made of mone

Made of mone? Give it a y dude don't be lazy

Hi my moms made of mone.


by Imthehamman May 24, 2023

BeJripyTomBemmimgfieldouBJrags juniorelbjaloods made in America

BejripytombenningfieldouBJrags juniorelbjaloods made in AMERICA 🇺🇸 by lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior. Bejripytombeds🪦🛌 doubjragons 🐲🐉relbjaloods 🩸.

I invented and made and created and started BejripytomBemmimgfieldoubjrags juniorelbjaloods made in AMERICA. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine.

by Lonnie Benningfield junior mar July 6, 2024

to fuck your mother made of bullshit


idk to fuck your mother made of bullshit

by HOTTY MC SCOTTY November 21, 2022

Made in the image of God

No, it... Um... It doesn't say that about women. It says women are made from Adam's rib.

Dr. JeepJorp "But... Um... I... That's a... You see, the translation... Or something... You see know God PUNISHES Moses for kind of vaguely trying to 'force' the stick to be magic in the story, right? So I can broaden that into a condemnation of rape kind of, right? Cus we're made in the image of God, you see... Um... Yeah..."

by Hym Iam March 14, 2024

he grabbed my hair in a way that made me understand the difference between rugby and football

Rugby is much rougher then football so the way he grabbed his hair made him understand the difference.

"He grabbed my hair in a way that made me understand the difference between rugby and football." - Red, White & Royal Blue

by nickname28 September 25, 2023