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MAX LOUDER is someone that has a bellowing voice. They sound like their yelling when talking.

During a party with music cranking and many people talking, everyone clearly heard MAX LOUDER.

by jpg3 February 9, 2014

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bully max

A dog supplement which helps dogs get ripped; surprisingly, it is said to not be steroids.

"Wow! How is your dog so hench?" (man looking at dog)
(man's friend and dogs owner) "I just gave him some Bully Max; it's some good shit!"

by Erasmus Cheezburger November 14, 2013

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Max Hogan

Very trashing, usually down the pub drinking 9 pints of fosters. Typically seen with Grant Hogan, can be seen in the wild listening to Jump Up and swiping on Tinder premium.

Max Hogan: Mate trashing trashing nah mate bad high bad high jank jank.

by Dan Furner made up a job November 23, 2018

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Max & Harvey

Max & Harvey are teenage, United Kingdom based, twin brothers who are a singing duo and are musers on Musical.ly.

Max & Harvey are one of the top musers on Musical.ly.

I can't wait to meet Max & Harvey!
I can't wait for Max & Harvey'a show!

by marveylynch October 23, 2017

Max Mills

The most gorgeous human being on earth. Literally fit as anything. Like unreal stuff.

Lordy lord look at max mills he's unreal.

by brek March 8, 2019

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Max & Harvey

Max & Harvey Mills are two British male singers. They won the RDMAs in 2018, and is soon coming out with an EP in 2019. They are very kind and caring towards their fans, Millsies.

Person 1: β€œWow, they’re good singers.”
Person 2: β€œYup, that’s Max & Harvey”

by sup my doods December 25, 2018

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Blue Max

When having anal sex with a woman over the toilet, upon the exact moment of ejaculation, you dunk her head into the chemically treated water.

Man, just as I was bustin' a nut, the bitch wouldn't stop screamin' so I gives her a Blue Max.

by 76 Eldo December 10, 2009

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