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tombstone mentality

a tombstone mentality informally is a pervasive attitude of ignoring design defects until people have died because of them.

I'm so sick of the tombstone mentality displayed by the Aircraft manufacturers!!

The tombstone mentality usually kicks in after it's too late

by A.Roko January 11, 2022

Mentally Rotting

When you already feel dead inside but you still feel like you're losing life

"I'm already dead inside but this makes me die even more, i'm basically mentally rotting at this point"

by Scat Man Skidibadabada August 9, 2020

Mental Despair

A state where the mind is processing too much information, thus sending the host's mind into a place where they think everything is wrong with themselves. Mental Pain also has the chance to tighten the muscles around the body if the emotions become potent, sending the host also in a state of panic, for they might think something is constricting them.

"No matter how hard you try, he won't be fine for a bit. He's in a state of Mental Despair"

by MyMasterpeice.byCG5 December 17, 2018

Mental Masturbation

The act of imagining unreal or false things and taking them as true, and / or deliberately interpreting a fact, or acting in a wrong way, to evade a reality, boost your ego or twist a situation to your convenience.

"That girl think I like her because i invited her to my party, that's pure mental masturbation"

by Falcon64 April 30, 2018

Momma mentality

1. Having so much aggression and energy that you can chance down a horse.

Oooooooo baby! I got momma mentality right now!”

by Chaz0404 April 26, 2019

Mental Baby

Someone that has the appearance of a crack head, or who has been taking meth. Their face is all messed up and their hair is like a bird's nest. Also, if the person is acting like a stupid dumbass or doesn't understand what you're saying.

Someone that looks like they've been dropped on the head.

She's acting like a mental baby! I wanna punch her in the face!

Ewww, look at her head! It looks deformed!

by fuckyeahitsanne October 24, 2011

Mentally Cunted

When someone is incredibly dumb and talks or walks like they are on drugs/mentally retarded. hence mentally cunted.

Mate what are you doing, you're mentally cunted right now, go home!

by Nakutya December 12, 2015