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Middle School

Three years where you change conpletely... not yet adult but not child. It's that awkward stage where you are just fucking gross and clueless. Summary: Won't remember these years in your adult life. Just a bunch of hoes and their boyfriends.

Damn, the only thing I remember from middle school is my first kiss, but that isn't as good as the sex I had last night.

by Litty193 June 30, 2017

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Weddington Middle

Weddington middle school is home of a bunch of annoying fucks, there is nothing more if you go to weddington middle you are a pussy fag.

Kid 1: hey are you gay and have daddyโ€™s money
Kid 2: yea how did u know

Kid 1: you attend weddington middle school

by Username12 34 February 9, 2021

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Logan middle

This middle school is GARABAGE. The teachers are dumb and the students are hoes. You might see a thot or 2 in ur day.

Person 1: "Logan middle makes me want to kill myself."
Person 2: "ikr I wanna fucking die."

by Your bitch ;) November 20, 2019

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aldine middle

Is full of fake people
Stanky hoes
Trash nights
Got rats in the boys bathroom

If you go to aldine middle... I feel bad for yall at school with rats๐Ÿ˜‚

by ALDINE ISD May 25, 2018

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middle button

I don't know if I am cool with it but I'm not TRYNA get in TROUBLE so I can make SURE It doesn't get any more of it and the other is the second

I don't know if I find that in the band class omg I don't know how I can make it to Janae but I'm not TRYNA do Typing the

middle button .

by Using USB used October 9, 2018

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Mexican Middle

The middle seat in the front of a truck. Usually the bench seat in an older beat up truck used for gardening activities.

Gary Winthorpe: "Hey can I get a ride?"
Danny: "Sure but you have to sit Mexican Middle"

by JerryWinthorpe August 13, 2018

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It is a place where every person in the world has trouble managing perfectly or correctly due to our TEMPTATION EYES.

Look the ROOTS of many problems in our society comes down to our MIDDLE MANAGEMENT.


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