Sub 2 me if u like Minecraft
Not a russian mole btw
Oh man royal mole is so cool
Oh man imma sub to royal mole becasue i like minecraft and fortnite is shit
A woman that resides in the roughest lowest pub in town and will fuck any one
Jimmy said renee ya low mole give us a heady
A politician who is secretly a supporter of the opposite party they are registered. Sabotaging and infiltrating votes to gain power to their preferred party.
That senator has not stood by his political party and voted against every bill. He could be a political mole.
Someone that verbalizes and signals their democratic leaning but are actually closest MAGAs that love guns, camping, and sporting unblazoned red MAGA coloured caps.
Hey John, you constantly spew democratic rhetoric at me but in real life you are a closeted MAGA, you are way too handy on the gun range, love your Patriot Campers, constantly wear flannelette shirts and sport a blank MAGA coloured cap. What gives, bro? Henceforth you will be known as Jonald Trump the MAGA Mole.
Someone who's really annoying and has a group of friends who deals with their problems for them; causes a lot of issues; liar; nosy; obsessed with grades
Mole Prime was bragging about her chemistry grade again today
A dumbass, numskull, or knucklehead
That guy just ran a red light. What a mole yuck
Mole Midler could be used to call some one short. Usually a Mole Midler alos has an IQ below average. According to studies recorded Cambridge University, Most Mole Midlers all have some of the same attributes: Small, Below average IQ, Hieroglyphic hand writing, and a deep sensitive side to them that will come out in the most sorrowful moments.
person 1 "Why does his handwriting look like a cross between ancient Chinese script and hieroglyphics".
Person 2 "He's probably a Mole Midler".