When eating spicy food blowing your nose then wiping your ass with the same tissue
Brian-“Man this chille is hot!” Gunnar-“sounds like your gonna have to use the ol’ Mexico City mop”
Clean Mop is a person who can take care everything right away with no mistake at all. Often pointed on the ability of a person in business.
I'll be away for a month and you are my clean mop now.
The art of ejaculating on a mate and essentially “mopping” it up with your testicles
She was so kinky, so I finished her off by dry mopping her.
.Hey bro, i'm bored 😥
You should search up 123456789000-=asdfghjkl;'xvczbnm,./ mop ! 😊
I should, Thanks! 🥰🥰
If you search up 123456789000-=asdfghjkl;'xvczbnm,./mop , you are truly bored and found the combination that makes people brain dead.
Dutch for 'pickled herring' in a jar
"Do you have any raw mops?" said the customer in the Seafood Department
When you see someone hot you say get the mop bcs of your WAP
Girl 1- “omg look *points to a hot guy*
Girl 2- “GET THE MOP”
beating someone's ass, maybe to the point of hospitalization. it can be used as an action verb; whipping the mop off of; past tense; that's where he whipped the mop off his ass; present tense; he's whipping the mop off his ass; future tense; that's where imma whip the mop off yo ass
He's whipping the mop off his ass.