Source Code

Game Rage

When you play a part of a game that is really frustrating but you don't stop playing it for unknown reasons

(Example of Game Rage)
1: "God damn it! This fucking level sucks ass!"
2: "Then why don't you stop playing it?"
1: "Because it's my favorite game."
2: "???"

by Wolf Dattum January 2, 2014

20๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rich Rage

When a rich person, or a person who just thinks they are rich, bitches about things and expects special favors because they think theyโ€™re crazy rich.

You know someoneโ€™s going into a rich rage when they start talking about how much money they have in the bank.

โ€œI demand to talk to your supervisor! How dare you put a hold on my credit card for my payment being a little late! Do you know how much of your companyโ€™s stock I own? I have over $3 million in your bank!โ€
โ€œOne moment sir....Hey, Iโ€™ve got a douche on the line whoโ€™s worked himself up into a major rich rage...yeah, heโ€™s pissed that his card wonโ€™t work but his account is over 38 days delinquent and his checking is negative and his savings is empty....yeah...heโ€™s a real tool.โ€

by Brett Burkhardt April 27, 2008

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roid rage

excessive aggression due to the use of steriods

I think he must have had roid rage, becuase he tried to take a swing at me.

by Light Joker March 17, 2006

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PES Rage

The feeling of intense anger and hatred that surfaces whilst/after playing a game of PES (Pro Evolution Soccer), this usually occurs when decisions WRONGLY go against you, or the opposing team score in the last minute to either draw or win. Noteable side effects include a broken Xbox/Playstation controller.

After breaking his controller in a fit of PES rage, Max felt empty and stupid.

by J August 12, 2008

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pony rage

The confined, built up energy due to anger or frustration, that lies in the deep part of your mind allowing you to exert an inhuman amount of force or concentration on a given activity.

Last night at the hockey game I tapped into my pony rage and checked this guy really hard.

by Matt Landis December 15, 2003

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Pussy Rage

Acting out in a violent fit when your local animal shelter won't release your pussy cat you wish to adopt.

If the animal shelter doesn't let my daughter take her cat home today I will straight up have pussy rage!

by Death Trooper March 23, 2011

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To receive so much SPAM that it drives one to make threats against supposed SPAM companies.

Charles Booher has a bad case of SPAM rage; he threatened DM Contact Managemen with anthrax.

by druid628 December 1, 2003

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