An gnroant adult - child who has too much time on his/her hands, doesn't know anything but bigotry and foolish diatribe.
Did you know Teacher of Truth is an ignorant fool
A teacher who is so hot that you wanna fuck them.
My art teacher is a fuckable teacher.
The soft, flabby pear or apple shape body associated with middle and high school public teachers.
6th period Spanish class had no idea Mrs . Lopez was pregnant that just thought she had teacher body.
A person who tries to find meaning in the most minuscule things possible, sorry to break it to you, but the food choice in the first chapter of “of mice and men” means as much as evangelion
Although, some things are clear foreshadowing. take, for example the strawberry cake scene in part 5 of JOJOS BIZZARE adventure,
In it, Mista, who has tetraphobia, is mad that the group he’s in got 4 slices of cake, another person, abacchio, takes a slice
He’s the first to die
Another person, narancia, who is smarter than the average user of this cesspool of a site, says 16*55 is 28 (it’s actually 880 If you think for whatever reason that he’s right you absolute monkey-brained individual) to which, another person stabs him with a fork,
He dies by getting impaled by a portcullis (the gate thing on a castle)
Additionally, the fork stabbing person, was meant to betray them (he just leaves in the actual version)
Bro my English teacher was arrested for being the kingpin of a meth empire
A demon that is pretty.. weird. Gives lots of works and judge you based on.. everything.
We have a teacher creature for this class. He literally walked out the door in the middle of his lecture because nobody did the reading for today.
A person who gives a term's worth of homework for you to do in the two week holidays (gives holiday homework), tells you to move schools just because you didn't do that homework and has favourites in a class.
Math teacher: ...And also i assigned you more Mathletics homework.
Me: Yaay -_-
Friend: *In low voice* Really?
Me: *Also in a low voice* ofc not.
*Class is quiet and ends ten minutes later*
Me: SHE'S SO FUCKING MEAN AND SUCH A FUCKING IDIOT.Why the fuck was she even listening to my conversation? I WASN'T EVEN THAT LOUD FOR GOD'S SAKE!!
Friends: Ikr that so harsh of her, she's such a bad teacher.