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anime addicted weeb who you ether want to be her friend of kill her she most of the time be haveing an identity crisis

me: hi jenni

jenni: go away baka

by be you 2435 June 19, 2019


Jenni is a friendly but cold mean person sometimes.
Jenni has great music taste and has great fashion sense.
Jenni is intimidating at first but cool, she's actually very shy.

She's introverted but kind of like an extrovert sometimes!
The point is, Jenni is cool and can pull anyone

"Jenni! Wanna make a playlist? :)"

by chaechaehyun >_< November 22, 2021


A fishy slag, who does not know what fashion means

"Ew jenni stinks of fish"

by Asdfghjkl9669 April 7, 2019

Jenny Larson

That one very lucky girl that married Benny Larson i'm jealous

Girl 1: I wish I Was as lucky as Jenny Larson

Girl 2: SAMEEEEE :,(

by sexyCheeseMan36 May 10, 2020

Jenny Jackson

An evil creature that can never be detected. Hiding in the shadows feeding of the attention it craves.
WARNING: do not leave any cats or dogs around this creature, any animal for that matter. It will gobble it up in one go

Person 1: I havent seen Marians dog in a while
Person 2: it was probably eaten by a Jenny Jackson

by User1234564949 October 20, 2020

fernando likes jenny

Fernando likes jenny cuz she is pretty.

Have you heard that fernando likes jenny?

by meeeeeeeeeeeu October 20, 2024

Jenny Beth Martin

Co-Founder Tea Party Patriots. Tips, Tales, and Thoughts of Peach State. Christian, Conservative, was Republican now American. Live laugh love. Uncomfortable with same sex anything.

I got shot by Jenny Beth Martin when I tried to kiss my boyfriend.

by BuckSuck February 7, 2021