The truest form of love. It is superior to the normal love. There is no type of love stronger than uwu-love. Only the smoler person of the relationship is capable of the uwu-love, and therefore loving the bigger one way more. (LIKE REALLY MUCH MORE) And there is no way to ever change this. I LOVE YOU MORE CUTIE
-i love you more
- no i uwu-love you, and since i am smoler , i love you more
a gurl that likes to turn owos into uwus
"averyshortusername is armsters uwu gurl!"
UWU cats are little gacha catboys/girls that usually wear a maid outfit or anything related to that, most are bad, but some are nice and wear very cute clothing! The bad UWU cats usually have their so called "bad boy boyfriend" with them, their bad boy boyfriend is a "alpha demon", anything related to that.
UWU cats usually say weird stuff like "Jakey boo boo bear is mine!" Anything like that.
The UwU Cat was originally seen in Gacha (A video making game) as a boyfriend to the Bad Boy.
The UwU cat can come in multiple variations such as colors, personality, and interests. UwU cats can come in these main colors; Pink (Most popular), Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Purple, White, and Black (Their demon forms).
They can also come in different interests, as mentioned before, here are a few examples: Heat (Gacha heat. DO NOT SEARCH), Normal Gacha, Neutral, and maybe OCs.
As I mentioned before, these creatures can turn into a demon form. Let me break it down; The demon form is a state that the UwU cats can enter when they have extreme emotions, such as anger, sadness, fear, and very rarely joy. When the UwU cats enter this state they undergo a transformation. If they are a heat, all their hair will turn black, their faces will darken, and they will grow demon wings. If they are a fixed UwU cat, they will stay their normal selves, as well as grow angel wings, maybe with accents of their main color. If they are neutral, then they don’t have a demon form.
If you find one, you can do one of these three things:
Get a cookie and attempt to befriend it. They eat primarily cookies, so this will help.
Try to fix it. Get gloves and fix them.
Remove them. This is a last resort. If you cannot do these other options, then spay it with Heat B Gone, and / or ward them away with watermelon slices.
The UwU Cats are getting fixed.
a thing that is related to gacha in a nasty way, they can simply not live without their JaKEAY BObO bEaR.
A UwU cat from Greek mythology. Usually a terrorist. Sometimes they are nice. If you see one with a bad boy, please, contact us at the church and bring it over right away.
An UwU cat. I’ve read all about them.