Source Code

world peace

Europe, north africa and eastern asia wide peace was achieved under pax romanis.

World peace was achieved, pretty much, under pax britannica in the nineteenth century. However, world peace was only achieved because every government in the world was

β€’Part of the british empire

β€’ Vichy Government acting on behalf of London (China, most of africa not under the empire and parts of europe)

β€’Too afraid of Britains' reaction to actually start a war, fearing they would be replaced by a vichy government or raided by the rest of the empire.

In the last 2000 years, there have been 60 years of world peace, half under pax britannica.

by Gumba Gumba May 28, 2004

41πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

your world

expression used during a basketball game to mean 'do your thing'

Person A passes ahead to person B who has been on fire all game and says "your world"

by aesaes March 25, 2008

28πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

world of warcraft

An awesome game that is fun to play and easy to learn.
Also the one game you won't pwn your girlfriend at.

No matter how much you want your girlfriend to share your interests, don't show her world of warcraft. In a week she'll be lvl 70 and you'll be the one telling her to get off!

by Gizwidget March 26, 2007

52πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

world of warcraft

you will only probably get addicted
about the same chance as with alcohol, cigs, cocaine, crystal meth, food, or sleep
its all good...
blizzard got superduper loaded with cash because of that fifteen dollars a month thing...
the best is the buying of the gold thing...

dude they should just make an injection where it feels like you have been playing world of warcraft for like five hours and you can experience life outside the room with the computer in it... that would kick ass... and be very expensive...
crack in cd- rom form

by joe dimagio November 1, 2005

82πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž

Vidas World

Vida Guerra's website that for multiple months has said it will launch in 45 days, but has yet to launch.

Vida's World will never launch.

by theruben September 1, 2004

29πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

World Srsly

What happens when the 2008 Phillies dominate the Dodgers on the way to the World Series and Philadelphia erupts.


by Housh October 16, 2008

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Secret World

1. Term used to sarcastically describe the state of having escaped the level boundaries of a video game.
2. The glitched result or area outside of a room where such an act is possible.

The term was first coined to describe the glitched areas of the original Metroid game for NES, caused by leaving rooms in the wrong directions (where no doors existed) and causing the game to load data in an order that was never meant to happen in the normal course of gameplay.

The term was made popular by the discovery of holes in wall collision detection in the Nintendo Gamecube game Metroid Prime, which allowed players to walk around outside loaded rooms, view far-away scenery up close, and experience the unique physics and glitches of such an act.

Although the term Secret World is used mainly in the context of Metroid games, it is often applied to any game where the opportuntiy to escape clipping exists.

The discovery of Secret World 5 in Omega research proved that it was possible to find a Secret World in a room with a ceiling.

by CtrlAltDestroy August 17, 2005

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž