The hottest man alive
Really respectful and genuinely takes the time to care for you. He doubts himself a lot but he is honestly the definition of perfection. I love u loads u silly goose 😘😘
Tommy Clarke is my nan
Tommy cans is the man for when you’re skagging balls at 6 am sipping your last warm can, dying for the offy’s to open but can’t wait that long. Give him a call and he’ll be at your doorstep in 10 mins with a 24 pack of prasky. He never fails to deliever with a smile. He truly is a walking god
‘Aw man this is my last can’
‘Don’t worry man, Tommy cans is on the way’
Tommy..innnit is a online sensation with around 2399 followers, and averages around 50-100 veiws
Tommy.. innnitt
I just want a mug for my teacher Tommy, he is bald.
Hey Tommy, here's a mug for yo. Bald Tommy
He is massive man with a and he loves to play with his friends :). He dad drives him around in a Maserati because he is a chad. He also lives in..well if you want the address you have to sign up to my only fans. Tommy is a sexy beast of a train and if you ever meat him you need to slap his ass. Anyway le deluge is the best bed bud anyone can ask for.
Tommy huggy: You dont have choice kido.
He looks similar to chicken little although he is tall. That is unlike chicken little. Though Tommy has bad eyes, he wears contacts unlike chicken little who wears glasses. Those are the only differences.
Tommy Nelson is a bitch
A boy that gets all the girls. He moves from one to another like it’s it’s nothing.
Omg look at Tommy Adesalu , he’s talking to another girl.