Timmy - "Yo Jimbo! Did you notice how many chicks were diggin' my new profile pic?"
Jimbo - "Hell no! I don't even look at that troll scroll, and I damn sure don't want to see what Godless ratchet whores are viewing your jacked up pics!"
A type of art thats deliberately makes you cringe or it's made to be bad on purpose
Ech0Chamber is a troll artist as she admits that the art she made is to made CountryHumans fandom wikia go ballistic
A Government Troll is someone paid by a .gov to influence people's opinions on the internet, especially when it comes to key or suppressed issues. They have multiple accounts to forums/blogs/facebook etc and use them to discredit people's responses and sway public opinion.
This actually works on almost all sheeple.
Blog Title: Obamalamma isn't from the US
Lengthy post showing evidence that its true.
Comments Section:
Guy1: I knew it, lets boot him out no wonder America is in so much debt only a non-us citizen would do this to us.
Government Troll Persona1: Guy1 you are wrong Obamalamma was born in the US.
Guy Two: GTroll Persona1 Just look at the evidence
Government Trolll Persona2: Here is a random document that says Obamalamma is from US.
Government Troll Persona3: See Guy1 Persona2 proved you wrong.
RandomTroll: Obamalamma is gay.
Guy2: Okay maybe Obamalamma is from the US guy1 is a conspiracy theorist.
Guy3: Freaking conspiracy theorists why did I waste my time reading this post when its not true.
A sexual position between any combination of two people (male/female, male/male, female/female) in which the anus's of each participant are rubbed together. Often used as a last resort for sexual positions, the act can provide immensely pleasurable sensations for those with highly sensitive anal lips. This sexual position is not to be confused with the Spritely Elf.
Ken and Cory finally attempted the Grumpy Troll position after exhausting all other sexual avenues with each other.
When someone inserts a reference to the series Twilight where there need not be a reference made. Similar to a rickroll.
Mary: "My new nail polish is so sparkly!"
Sam: "Yeah, your fingers look just like Edward Cullen's body!"
Mary: "...."
Police and highway patrol that hide under bridges to catch speeders. Also short for "Police Troll."
"Man I got nabbed by the Po-Troll this morning, didn't even see him"
The Troll List is group of people that have been declared unworthy and untrustworthy by Darth Dawkins of having a real debate with him.
He was asking too many question during the debate so Darth Dawkins added him to the Troll List.