Source Code

uber pull

When you order a female Uber and try to smash

Iโ€™m going to Uber pull this bitch

by A fruitt cup October 25, 2018

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uber n00b

an uber n00b is some 1 who suckes at gaming in every single aspect usally a townie (just because they are n00bish at everything in life)

uber noob: gets fragged for 1111 time
expert person: your not a noob your an uber noob

by UberN00b February 15, 2005

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Uber Alice

Specialist form of Tutonic Bukkake, filmed with a very obliging frau.

Helga is a dirty scrubber, and likes nothing better than to star in a bit of Uber Alice in the evenings.

by George Vespe May 7, 2008

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uber doober

used to describe something that is extraordinarily super

that orgasm was uber doober intense

by sarah adrianna July 12, 2006

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1. Being so great at something you are "uber" 2. Doing something extremely well. 3. Being the best at something.

I am so uber at this map. -or- I just uberly pwned you, n00b.

by 16Sins November 5, 2005

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uber vegan

A vegan who is very extreme with their lifestyles.

Pammy is so uber vegan, she only serves Tofurky for Thanksgiving.

by BruinKiller3469 March 20, 2009

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uber nubcake

The Nubbiest Nub Nub in the land of Nublets. The Uber Nubcake(spelled in a wide array of variations)is such a nub, in a game of Counter Strike Source they will immiediatley drop 800000 ranks and go to a 1-497 Kill to Death Ratio. The Uber Nubcake is such a douche, they die.

Uber Nubcake - zOMFG j00 FUKING HAx0rZ!!11ONEONE im going to tell the admin AND HE WILL BAN YOU!! FIGGIT!!!

pwnzor - fucking shitface, shut the fuck up.

by jesse pasek April 19, 2006

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