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Quick Slip

when a Eugene like figure pulls up a chair and wips the tip of his penis out of his pants so not many people can see him rubbing his little wanger.

Man did you just see that dude he pulled a quick slip

by Ripper investigators February 21, 2019

quick steal

The act of getting or stealing something with minimal to no effort, whether it's someones baddie, cash, or wallet.

Yo should I quick steal that grandma over there?

by Zesaeit July 13, 2024

quick quack

The act of urinating on a vehicle in revenge or as a display of dominance.

After Jeremy cheated on Suzanne, she did a quick quack on his Civic.

by Skyfire1228 February 4, 2023

Quick One

An easy to get person. Or someone you use for a short period of time.

John: Yo Nicole is a quick one!

by Fcxk.kat June 1, 2017

You are a quick

A dumbass bitch who don’t know shit and talk to much.

Your annoying as hell pussy, you are a quick.

by Bradley Conner April 8, 2022

Quick meme

The art of rapidly finding or constructing a 'meme' as a response to a comment or opinion online.
Fast derailing the topic is often the intended effect of a quick meme.

Person 1: "Just finished my research"
Person 2 (1 second later): "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" (quick memed)

by quickmemed February 20, 2017

Nelly Quick Steps

“Nelly Quick Steps” usually refers to the quick motion one takes toward a bathroom when the need to poop has reached extremis.

After drinking for 3 days at the music festival, I barely made it to the Porta-Potty. I had the Nelly Quick Steps.

by Anita Pasgas August 2, 2021