The mom and dad -sex move- it's when you bang really hard, missionary with the lights off and then right before the guy's about to cum, you stop, flip on the lights and argue really loudly about money.
Oh yeah they were really going at it last night especially when they pulled out 'the mom and dad ' and woke everyone up!!!
middle aged women who have nothing better to do than live their life through their children. their favorite pastime is talking shit about children, & then denying it! some are believed to sexually satisfy themselves by ruining kids life's. they love to pretend they workout when really their sugar daddies just pay for liposuction. and those who can't pay for it, are just a bunch of fat, even more miserable, bitches who gave up. watch out kids Greystone moms dont just talk shit, they make it up too! haha
Her mom is a typical greystone mom, always talking about random kids shit that isn't her business.
The mom of your friend Martin, who is smoking hot and you don't know how Martin came from such finesse stock.
Martins Mom has got it going on
burger-mom also known as the yo mama-inator is a term to describe some ones mom who has the characteristics of a fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat burger
but most importantly burger mom is a fat entity
guy 1:your'e mom is very obese
guy 2:burger-mom...
guy 1:YOU HAVE A BURGER-MOM!!!!11!1
guy 2: 34.6115313,136.1913973,3a,75y,42.52h,92.46
your moms pussy.
pronounced (scient-IST)
your friend: where were you?
you: in your moms ist.
your moms pussy.
pronounced (scient-IST)
your friend: where were you?
you: in your moms ist.