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cum guzzeling asteroid cunt

An insult reserved only for emergencies where the situation calls for an insult that will cause her to incinerate the earth upon hearing it. Used primarily to insult a girl when she won't stop farting in her sleep.

You- stop farting in your sleep you cum guzzeling asteroid cunt!!!!!!

by Fedex1220 March 10, 2016

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Irish Cunt

An Irish cunt, is where if you have a friend who is from Ireland, or raised in Ireland or have Irish blood

Me: You're an Irish cunt!
Your friend: Oh my god.....

by Brindle January 12, 2017

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You stupid cunt, fuck off

what you say when Paula Abdul grabs onto your legs at her house and wont let you leave because she's so monsterly fucked on painkillers and knows NOBODY will put up with her crazy horseshit besides you and then she tries to bribe you with $1100.00 keesh and a boxter (old one..wtf?) and then she takes a dump in the washing machine but you tell her....

oh, yeah... sorry...you stupid cunt, fuck off...ok.. it's kinda like big foot doing massive bongs with Wavy Gravy, whilst enjoying more Yorkshire Pudding than offered (that ungrateful shitpile) then being totally offended by WG's complete lack of etiquette in not tossing the big hairy's salad, like a champ... orrrrr!!...(bigfeet noize)

Basically, you're expressing the end of a once-magical relationship...that no one will ever believe happened... except that BUTTHOLE Simon who pretended to video tape like I'd asked him but totally fucking lied..whatever, cheeerz

by BOND, DYED BLOND December 31, 2011

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gimmie some fucking ciggies cunt

the user needs some cigarettes from a person relatively close to them

gimmie some fucking ciggies cunt

by bigbrainbigwilly March 10, 2020

Red Faced Cunt Pounder

An erect penis sporting rubberbands around the tip to create a more sensitive area for the male.

Get over here and slide on my red faced cunt pounder, bitch!

by micah! March 17, 2004

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Cock Juggling Thunder Cunt

A big Bitch who likes to have multiple Cocks in and around her at all times.

My Ex-Wife is a Cock Juggling Thunder Cunt!!

by Dirty Sanchez 130 May 16, 2007

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twat, i cunt hear you

a term used when someone replies to something said they didn't want to hear

Girlfriend: "Babe, my feet are killing me from these heels. Will you rub my feet?"
Boyfriend: "Twat, I cunt hear you..."

by GlazeHer January 1, 2014

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