Extra weight - mostly in the hip, thigh and bum region caused by too much study, stress induced comfort eating and not enough exercise
The FRACS exam has given me exam fat
An obese creature that communicates in a language of snorting and has a series of mental health problems that affect how it behaves, resulting in craziness, stupidity, and overeating.
My great great great great great great great grandma is a fat lump.
A bitch that always gets nico poisoning
Fat Frank has nico poisoning again. What a fat fuck
A fat person who thinks he is hard but accually he is a softvkind hearted kid.They also goes for vulnerable girls but he can charm his way in their bed.they also cant keep a stable relationship so advise is not from them.
Dont think your harf "fat frank"
A fat person who charmes vunerable young girls into bed.
don't be such a fat frank
If you mad at someone just say fat pigs and trump
Someone: your ugly
You: fat pigs and trump
An insult typically used to describe your mother
Person 1: your mom fat and ugly
Person 2: thank