A much needed break or vacation for all Moms … even us wonderful SuperMoms need a break from the hubby and kids … and work and laundry and grocery-hell and discipline and cleaning and dusting and yelling and dealing with homework and grades and …
All you Moms out there … you KNOW what I’m saying! :)
Amy: Colleen, it is time to grab the tolerance juice & plan our Mom Break!!! We are in desperate need!!!
Colleen: Hell, yeah! Talk about being exhaustipated! Mom Break 2010!
Tony: PLEASE go … you need a cure for your Bitchassness!
Best mom in the word Xaiden is very happy to have his mom.
Xaiden's Mom is very diplomatic.
What's the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull? Lipstick!
A term used by Alaskan politicians (who aren't familiar with the concept of soccer) to describe soccer moms
"They say the difference between hockey moms and pitbulls is lipstick."- Sarah Palin
The sexiest women know to man if u fuck her I get 10 years of good look
Dinis mom
A sexy women that likes big white cocks especially me rafal and fabian that's y she wears no bra while we are there
Dinis mom
An earthling who widely resembles a parental figure, but who is also a shrimp. Being in their presence will cause you to feel strange moods such as singing black parade, reading Wattpad, and eating gushers with spaghetti. However, accustomed to standard practice, this direct specimen of shrimp is also emo. Their natural habitat is outside of CVS, onstage, and in their friend’s basement.
Shrimp mom is not only a simp.. they are also a emo hot simp.