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Red Solo Cup Party

When you walk into a local school function, and you can't help but notice that the cups used to drink alcohol are red solo cups.

Terry walked into his New Year's Eve party, only to realize that it was a red solo cup party.
Terry got brain in five minutes.

by RoflSalts88 March 20, 2023

House Party

A song by Anja Kotar that turns the traditional meaning of House Party upside down. In her case, having a house party is when you're home alone and living it up. You chill on the couch in your robe, order some takeout, and binge TV.

"I'm having a house party / Not staying up till morning / Sleep then I'll watch a movie".

"I'm having a house party / And no one else can join me / Just gonna keep it low key".

by bigfocaccia November 25, 2019

House party

When there is a interracial bukake in a suburban house.

You see that porn video last night

Yeah it was a real house party

by Laylabby August 15, 2017

party burrito

Poorly put together and always leaves someone covered in shit

I used to be cool. Then I had a party burrito.

by Party burrito August 18, 2017

Trumpbuttlickin Party

A Republican who supports Former US President Donald Trump to the point of being sycophantic.

The US Senators who vote to acquit former US President Donald Trump after the actions of January 6th, 2021 and the ensuing impeachment trial are officially part of the Trumpbuttlickin Party.

by OutOfThe604 February 12, 2021

Poking party

A group of people finding their blood type

We were in chemistry class having a poking party.

by Onlyone4thelight8r November 5, 2021

one couch party

a party where there are too many people, and just one couch. this usually is the fault of the person who threw it not thinking through who or how many people to invite despite not having enough furniture. this results in either a bunch of people squishing onto the one couch or practically nobody sitting there because of the awkwardness of the last situation mentioned.

"Did you have fun at Kaitlin's the other day."
"Nah, man it was a one couch party. There was nowhere to sit."

by just some lurker on the web February 9, 2020