Person 1: "Hey John have you heard of that one kid that got laid yesterday? Wish it was me tbh."
Person 2: "Yeah that was my cosin he has real kid rizz.
A big fat moron who deserves to get his dick chopped which is also known as CAT_BOOO and also his grandmother always gets butt sucked by 56 chimpanzees dressed as the fucking wiggles
SHUT UP YOU Dumb stupid fat ass kid lover BITCH CAT_BOOO
The gangta version of the man. A hustler, a lover, a fighter and a hart breaker.the best at everything he does and doesn't give a fuck about what people think
The Kid baidu is crazy! He'll beat your ass then take your bitch then her best friend and he will definitely fuck ur mom! stay away he will destroy ur hart!!!
Stupid "yandere" kid. Always a girl and usually lesbian but sometimes straight. They are AUTTP users and put an hashtag next to their name
Example: #(Their crush's shortened name)-chan/kun my (Pet Name/Crush/Senpai/Kohai)(Goofy Ahh Heart Emoji)
They make one of their fictional family members dead and over react. DUDE THEY ARE FICTIONAL!!
They are also troll feeders. They expose UTTP users and make killing videos out of them. They also make SGS characters hated by saying that they did something terrible to them/their loved ones. They are also so cliche.
They are around 11-12, they date random people in the internet and are usually gacha life users
SGS kid: (Random SGS character) kIlLeD mY sIsTeR1!1!
Mature person: Who gives a fuck
SGS kid: sHuT uP (shortened or full name)mId/kId1!1!1! *makes expose or killing video out of them*
Its a kid that is smart and its a small kid that is very small and not-smart
A bunch of Downstate faggots and whores who were refugees of a drag queen contests who dress likes freaks. They love clubs and ecstasy while listening trash music. The Downstate media looks to promotes these freaks as trend setters who should be followed.
In the 1990s the club kids were trend setters who the Downstate media loved to promote for being nobodies. Most of these freaks have died AIDS or drug overdoses. These faggots and whores conned Downstate morons with their lack of talent.
You don't have schizophrenia. You don't have severe mental issues. You aren't a mythical creature from the underworld. That isn't how reality works.
Hym "And if you threaten a kid and the guy keeps doing the thing your threatened the kid over, murder the kid. Maim it. Mangle it. Kill someone else's kids. Kill as many kids as it takes for him to learn the lesson threatening his kid didn't teach him. The more blood you spill, the closer he gets to understanding that his kids isn't worth 2 cents buried in a pile of donkey shit. And then kill yourself to show him that you aren't afraid of whatever God he cowers before."