something to use when you’re texting your friends on a group chat and fart
me: yo guys guess what
amy: what
Kylie: what
me: I farted in the group
An insult originating in Canada, refers to a person/object/situation that is annoying and/or useless. Can also be abbreviated ‘DF.’
I totally messed that up, I’m such a dick fart!!!
1) A small amount of air leaving the urethra, more commonly known as a quaof.
2) A way to slander someone who is closely related to a neanderthal. Someone who is incompetent, useless, braindead, and seems to have no use to the human race whatsoever.
3)During coitus when a man ejaculates on/inside a woman; his penis made a dick fart.
1)I went to go urinate the other day and it ended up only being a dick fart.
2) Jee wilikers, your very essence has dick fart written all over it. I wouldn’t be surprised if the sperm that carried you to your mother was a dick fart. You are most definitely a few chromosomes short of an average person.
3) “Oh My god you just had a huge dick fart. I’m so sticky now. You know I rather have your dick fart in my mouth than on my thigh!”
That moment when your dick farts and makes a funny wet sound
Dude, because scientifically gas builds up in your uretha and exits through your dick making it a dick fart.
"sorry bro- just had a huge, unexpected gravitational fart... totally put atrial fibrillation in my rhythm..."
A person who is arrogant as Fuck, but still needs validation to measure self worth.
My co-worker is a confused fart, who acts in charge of everything but understands nothing.