A smelly annoying asshole. Who sells drugs. Holds his illegal gun, he knows nothing about and is ready to jam, sideways because he's retarded. He wises he was cool, but is a Fuck Boy.
A Gangsta Rapper.
Also known as the American Ape, Porch Monkey, Apple Tree Ornament, Brillo Pad, or Nigger.
That fucking Skunk Monkey tried to sell me crack again
A game where you have to hide and use stealth to catch another person without them seeing you. Once the person has been touched they are out.
Lets play runt monkey
Runt monkey is awesome
Runt monkey is way better than stealth ninja spelling
Extremely difficult or annoying.
Mrs Speelman's class is Aids-Monkey today!
Monkey Mustard is when you fart so hard you shoot out globs of shit. Similar to shart.
Becky: -LOUD AGGRESIVE FART- (also sounds bubbly, and sounds like when you squish flarp.) Keisha: OOoo girl you definitely just shot out some monkey mustard.
"i HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!" tom says