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Cheese Monger

Nuh is a cheese monger someone who loves cheese and devours children.
someone who does something they regret

forgiving who you are, just know that if you hide, it dosnt go away. cheese monger

by BahaaLover94 March 1, 2022

Cheese monger

Cheese monger is a person who jokes around too much and makes people uncomfortable to be around.

He used to be cheesy, but now he's such a Cheese monger.

by Evelle1 January 11, 2019

Pretty Cheese

To say that's pretty cheese is to say something is good, great, or OP

Bruh the minions in clash are pretty cheese when there's no air defense

by Those are my lucky charms May 25, 2017

Cheese Sniffer

Someone who partakes in the sniffing of cheese (the stinky kind) because they themselves indeed smell like (stinky) cheese.

Cheese Sniffers is the highest insult.

Tommy and Garrett are cheese sniffers.

by cra56 August 5, 2024

1👍 1👎

cheese pleaser

A guy who engages in sexual pleasures with another guy.

"Hey you know that James kid? well he did Calvin in, therefore hes a cheese pleaser"

by Danlon08 January 29, 2008

Pinocchio cheese

Lookalike cheese made out of wood.

I was looking forward to eating that cheese but someone has pranked me with Pinocchio Cheese.

It gets everywhere #TravelingPinocchioCheese

by Creative stupidity June 1, 2022

Cheese & Jeezy

Basically a jizz game, can be played by 2 or more person. Make a 2 small batch of mac and cheese, but, before you bake it, cum in 1 of the 3 batch. Mark each batch with different coloured marker. After baked, swap your batch with your friend, and let the fun begin.

Jack : "Why is Mark puking on the toilet"
John : "We where playing Cheese & Jeezy and he lose"
Jack : "Oh shit"

by PeterMcPeterson October 24, 2020