A woman that has a lot of poops near her but hole.
Lala has a fat ass dookie butt.
This is how you can hear someone is fat. Fat echo is the echo that goes through someone's fat that makes them sound fat.
You could literally hear that kids fat echo; he sounded so fat.
fat cats are found under ur bed when u go to sleep they like to nibble on ur toes.
I like fat cat in a room it tastes good
kid: wakes up* OMG WHY DO I HAVE NO FEET
fat cat in room: meows sexyly
kid: *looks under bed get snatched*
marceli just had a fat lousce in a public toilet cause he saw two people fucking outside in the woods
a smoll ugly stupid little boy who cant exercise well or is to sluggish to.
Me: *looks in the mirror* Im such a fat poop potato