Source Code

mom smart

Knowing how to do the difficult in an easy way. Finding life hacks in every situation.

You’re mom smart! I didn’t know one could do that!

by Rachken June 24, 2019

my mom says hi

When you tell your son to say hi to people he encounters.

Son: “Mom, please stop calling me. I am late for class”.

Mom: Sorry. Tell the professor mom says hi and that I’m sorry I made you late.

Mom after class: how did it go?

Son: the professor marked me late, but he says hi back.

Situation 2:

Son: “I gotta go, I’m next in line at the drive thru

Mom: “okay, sorry to bug you. Tell the drive thru mom says hi”.

Son: I will.

Son to drive thru speaker: I’ll take a #2 with a Dr Pepper, and my mom says hi.

Drive thru host: okay drive thru to the first window and say hello to your mom.

Son callls mom back: drive thru host says hello.

Situation 3:

Son: mom I have to go I’m headed to a game

Mom: tell everyone I say hi.

Son after game: Hi mom, everyone says hi back.

Mom: oh good!

by TheStrugglesReal September 24, 2023

french toast your mom

When you cum on a chicks back and flip her around and finish on her chest.

Im going to french toast your mom!

by Asheveday92 January 31, 2016

Mingus' mom

The person Peter Laurents have sex with

Brombær: What are you doing?

Peter: Having sex with Mingus' mom

by elendige September 16, 2022

Mingus' mom

The person Peter Laurents has sex with

Brombær: What are you doing?

Bobby: Im having sex with Mingus' mom

by elendige September 16, 2022

gabes mom is hot


shes just hot gabes mom is hot

by btwaero October 14, 2022

You're moms face

A legendary insult. If it was a pokemon card, people would give you 27346289764387$ for it. This amazing comeback is so amazing because it can be used in any situation. This comeback will kill your opponents sometimes because they want to die after hearing this extreme insult. So use it very carefully, and while you say it close your ears so you don't die as well.

You're moms face: A legendary insult. If it was a pokemon card, people would give you 27346289764387$ for it. This amazing comeback is so amazing because it can be used in any situation. This comeback will kill your opponents sometimes because they want to die after hearing this extreme insult. So use it very carefully, and while you say it close your ears so you don't die as well.
You: stop pushing me
Bully: you're useless and weak
You: well... well... uhhhh
Bully: don't have a comeback do you loser? Give me twenty dollars or else I'll beat you up.
You: no! I only have 25$ and I need to buy stuff at the store.
Bully: you're poor loser
You: uhhh... SO DOES YOUR MOM *while covering his ears for safety purposes of course*
Bully: * screaming, blood coming out of his ears*
You: *running away* haha loser
Bully: *dies*

by TrecherousTreche January 3, 2019