A response commonly used by someone who does not know how to respond to the question previously asked.
This can also be used as in insult in an ULTIMATE ROAST BATTLE!!!!
Classmate(wuss)-“what is the square root of 63517526451?” Me(cool)-“ur mom” Classmate(wuss)-“WHAT ABOUT MY MOM?!”
Kid with gay dads-“ur mom is so fat she doesn’t fit through the door frame” Me-“ur mom is so ugly your dad had to get a husband” Kid with gay dads-“WHOA dude that was savage” Me-“I know 😎”
A response that I use uncontrollably but this usually is a response to a question that the person who said “ur mom” doesn’t know how to answer.
Just know ur mom jokes are not offensive
Don’t be a wuss
Classmate(wuss)-“What is the square root of 5375271963?” Me(cool dude)-“Ur mom” classmate(wuss) “what about my mom?!?
dude with gay dads-“ur mom is so fat she can’t fit through the door frame” Me-“ur mom is so ugly your dad had to get a husband” dude with gay dads-“whoa dude that was SAVAGE!!!!” Me-“I know 😎”
crem in hee evrey night wigth a big block coke auauuauauuauaua
ur mom is a goy
overrated your mom jokes used by middle and high schoolers
mike: haha ur mom
daniel: you are so inmature