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Mac N’ Cheese Man

Short lived docu-series about the Mac N’ Cheese Man that peaked in relevance mid quarantine (2020). Sadly the man himself has fell to a crippling meth addiction and resides in Fresno, CA.

“Yo, remember that Mac N’ Cheese Man series back in quarantine?”
“LMAO. Remember when he called to his wise Jewish uncle for advice in the forest?”

by dontbuyfrompairchief September 26, 2022

straight cheese curding

when something is highly valuable or another phrase for bussin

this bank is straight cheese curding.
the food is straight cheese curding

by heeshuger June 21, 2021

Western Swiss Cheese

You get really drunk, Then you smoke weed, Then you do anal intercourse, doggie style. Chances are, you will miss the target.

Last night , I fucked a chick. It was a Western Swiss Cheese.

by Rhino_Rex March 31, 2016

Western Swiss Cheese

You get really drunk, Then you smoke weed, Then you do anal intercourse, doggie style. Chances are, you will miss the target.

Last night , I fucked a chick. It was a Western Swiss Cheese.

by Rhino_Rex March 31, 2016

Scandinavian Cheese Shredder

Two Scandinavian men and a woman are having a gangbang when the woman pulls out a cheese grater and proceeds to shave the skin of their penises and cut off all their pubes. She then puts the duck skin shavings and pubes on nachos and microwaves it and forces the men to consume it.

The Scandinavian Cheese shredder I saw on TV was so well done!

by Btrain8585 March 22, 2017

neepie cheese

Cheese that tastes like a neep( or a turnip for anyone that isn't scottish)

Hmm said John this cheese tastes like a neep
That's because it neepie cheese said barry

by Barry white shite March 12, 2023

Holy Moly Cheese Cannoli

An exclamation, when your numpty cousin john's kids are around and he doesn't want you swearing in front of them, but you just stubbed your toe so flipping hard and you gotta react in some way, but little timmy is two feet away and john is looking right at you so you have to say them that gets as close to the satisfaction of yelling "FUCK" really loudly after stubbing your toe but- ... what was i talking about?

*stub toe*

by younerd July 24, 2023