X gamer is when you or a group of people consume hardcore drugs in a game like/sexualzing way.
cmon jake and Cynthia are playing X games
The Urban Dictionary Game.
How you play:
You email/chat online a friend and use a lot of the words of the day on urbandictionary.com. Then your friend has to search them and then use other words of the day as a response.
Joe: Hey dude, did you know Charlie and I were talking yesterday - total recap!
Amanda: "recap"? What's that?
Joe: Search it on ud! We're playing the Tud Game!
(5 minutes later)
Amanda: Yeah and did you know Charlie has stealth abs?
Joe: HUH?! (Joe goes on ud)
And you get it don't you?
A "fun" game where 10 guys go into a circle and spin a beer bottle. Whoever gets picked first has no torture, The second one gets 1 feather to the foot for 5 seconds, The third one would have 2 feathers to the foot for 10 seconds . The 4th one Would have to jump off a 5 foot high rock, the sixth one jumps off a 10 foot rock, the 7th one would get 5 inch long cut in their arm, the 8th one would get a triangle carved in deep with a knife, the 9th one would get a deep cut around their waist, The 10th one you be pulled by 4 ropes each pulling on one limb then the 1st one would get a knife and cut deep into their belly and would reach into their body and rip out their intestines and the person would have to live with their intestines out for the next 10 minutes with adrenaline pumped in. very fun game 10/10
The Idahoan Torture Game is a torture game with 10 steps for 10 people and is very popular in idaho.
Sexual prowess, up close and personal
He looked good from a distance, but she wondered about his short game.
A video game that takes full advantage of the advantages of the interactive part of the medium. Where said player interactions elevate the experience such that the gameplay allows players or overlook aspects that may be lacking, like story, graphics, or voice acting.
some examples may include:
Metal Gear Rising: Revengence, Crualty Squad, Pizza Tower. just to name a few,
If I'm going to spend my time playing a game, I want it to be a real Video Game Ass Video Game.
A videogame that you find in the bathroom. Wierd right? Yeah, it happens. Someone may not play a game very much anymore and may take it into the bathroom to think about it over a phone. Then, after hiding it, they may forget to remove it. They may forget about the game altogether for a while, and just procrastinate on searching for it because of quickly growing games like Fortnite.
2 years ago: Friend: Man Fortnite's growing fast. We're already on Season 7! BTW I sold your brother Call of Duty Black Ops 2.
1 year ago: The brother is playing the game, doesn't really like it due to AI related stuff and leaves it in the bathroom.
Today: I found a bathroom game. It's all mine now. You can do a lot of stuff in this game. I didn't know Black Ops was this good.
A term sometimes used in the gaming community. Usually used to describe a game that withholds critical information from the player to the extent that using outside sources, like the game's wiki, becomes mandatory if the player isn't prepared for hours of aimless wandering and an absolutely grueling beginner experience.
Terraria is a popular example of a widely accepted "Wiki Game".