A rlly lame loser. Even worse if they’re named Scout 🤢🤢🤢🤢
Michael: “yeah at least I’m not a band kid tho”
Amelia: “bro ur way too cool to be a band kid (🤢)”
Nerdiest but coolest mfs you'll ever meet
"Yeah, I'm a band kid"
A person who, loves playing team fortress 2, this kid loves doing the russian dance ( especially at the school dance next to his girlfriend. these type of people are people that cry when they get hit in the back of the head with a pillow, or scream at there friends " I am going to peel you like a fruit " when he is angry.
dude that guy is such a Band Kid bro
yeah forreal he never takes showers in his entire life yo
Ok, I didn’t know what this was until yesterday and this phrase has been a thing for months, but I’ll try to reiterate.
A “band kid” is supposedly somebody who makes attempts to squeeze outdated/dead memes into almost all of their sentences, and just a generally unfunny person (This describes me way too well I’m scared).
This doesn’t necessarily all of these kinds of people are in a band of any kind, it is just a generalization after noticing the majority of those people were people in a school marching band or something along those lines.
The majority of memes that have existed for more than half a year seem to qualify as “band kid humor, so unless you don’t want people on your ass commenting on how “bad” your sense of humor is, either start getting responses ready for angry 9-year olds slandering you on whatever social media platform is being used, or start updating your sense of humor.
(Ok but seriously though why does half of this generation not know how to spell anymore? And their sense of humor is the most downright racist/sexist/homophobic shit ever or the lowest quality shit ever. The most stupid part is that I’m a part of this wave of people. I don’t understand why you find that stuff funny? Why are you trying to push it onto me? If you find it funny, good for you, but I don’t find it very funny. Stay mad and go complain on Twitter or something.)
Band kid: “Dude check out this epic gamer moment”
Person 1: “Dude, please stop- you have band kid humor so childish it’s not even funny at all anymore.”
Someone who is racist, homophobic, transphobic, autistic, and generally offensive
"Oh yeah, forgot to mention, we're Band Kids."
group of people who are in band, walk with their arms making a upside-down L, think “smol bean” and a large amount of cussing in one sentence is funny
John: “Hey, Look at these band kids”
Band kids: “Falls from 5 feet and FUCKING dies on the FUCKING ground from a STUPID-ASS child molester”
John: Kill yourself
Band kid: “no u :3”
kids who are in a band class and act like a crackhead moast of and does stupid ting . thire a band kid not a kid in band .
ur mom is a band kid.